Loc. Pievesprenna, 53022 Buonconvento - Siena (Tuscany, Italy)


Best Places


Buonconvento 4 km from Pieve Sprenna: this little medieval town on the Via Francigena is the closest one. It is considered one of the most beautiful “Borgo” in Italia. Here you will find shops, restaurants, typical “trattorie”, supermarket, chemist’s shop and banks.


Montalcino 10 km from Pieve Sprenna: is a picturesque small town on the top of one of the rolling hills immersed in exceptionally beautiful landscape. There are numerous vineyards and wine producers in the area, a perfect placet to taste world renowned wines, Rosso and Brunello di Montalcino.The nearby Abazia di Sant’Antimo is the perfect place for peaceful spiritual visit.


Pienza 25 km: is a splendid little hilltown on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites as a very fine example of early Renaissance urban planning. It is also famous for the delicious “Pecorino di Pienza” cheese.

San Quirico d’Orcia

San Quirico d' Orcia is a town in the province of Siena , probably of Etruscan origin . The strategic importance of this village grew gradually in the Middle Ages for its special geographical position and especially to the influence exerted by the Via Francigena that crossed it. At its territory even it belongs Bagno Vignoni , famous spa town , and Vignoni .


Montepulciano 30 km rom Pieve Sprenna: a beautiful renaissance town with majestic buildings and churches and widely known for the Nobile di Montepulciano wine. In July jazzfestifal find a place. In August there are two festivals: the brus cello: When actors revive scenes from the history of the city. And Bravio delle botti: a big parade through the streets of the city.

Monte Oliveto Maggiore

The Archicenobio of Monte Oliveto Maggiore was founded by the Sienese Bernardo Tolomei (1272-1348) , which begins and spiritual center of the Olivetan family . Today is the monastery to which it refers , and is headed by the Benedictine Congregation of Santa Maria di Monte Oliveto . Bernardo , a man of God , he chose as his rule of life the Rule of St. Benedict and was truly in love with Maria from his youth .


Siena is 20 km from Pieve Sprenna: The famed and beautiful medieval town of Il Palio where the ancient traditions of the Sienese public are renewed and reinforced on the 2nd of July and 16th of August every year, through the breathtaking bareback horse race run in the spectacular shell shaped Piazza del Campo. It is a town of immense cultural in heritance such as the museums of Santa Maria della Scala and the awe-inspiring cathedral il Duomo di Siena.

Abbazia di Sant’Antimo

The Abbey of Sant'Antimo is one of the most significant architectural monuments of Romanesque and a significant example of monastic building of the early twelfth century . The magnificence of the church is enhanced by the surrounding landscape where the olive gathering is the key element .


Firenze 80km from Pieve Sprenna: the city of Dante Alighieri, is one of the world’s most fascinating cities, with historical delights such as Ponte Vecchio,. It is a city of magnificent palaces, buildings, churches and squares of mostly Renaissance splendour, art. culture, history and contemporary design and fashion and international cultural attraction such as famous Uffizzi galleries and the cathedral, il Duomo, with the stunning cupola by Brunelleschi.